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Dr. Norm Klippenstein - Website

Announcement from Dr. Norman Klippenstein regarding and COVID-19

I am currently launching a new website for my Orthopaedic practice at the Brandon Clinic, to provide an additional resource for my patients and their professional caregivers. The web address is or find me through the Brandon Clinic Website. It is my belief that fuller understanding of the various issues around a patient’s musculoskeletal condition can assist joint decision-making with the surgeon regarding treatment options, clarify outcome expectations, and enhance therapeutic success.

As well, in view of the potential complexity and wait times for consultations, additional tests, treatment decisions, surgical booking, prehab visits, surgery, and rehabilitation, this site provides a navigation aid which can reduce confusion, potential delays, and anxiety related to the whole process. Short and longer overviews of surgical procedures, links to additional informational websites, contact info and demonstration surgical videos will hopefully be helpful for patients as they move through these steps and deal with their orthopaedic condition.

I have included sections for referring physicians and nurse practitioners, which provide additional suggestions for management and referral of various conditions, as well as links to other Orthopaedic resources. My practice continues to focus on shoulder, knee, and ankle problems, with an emphasis on arthroscopic and reconstructive procedures. I also see a range of additional general orthopaedic conditions, as well as trauma when I am on call. I am not currently taking consults for spine, hip, or bunion problems.

I am also attempting to improve communication and rehab consistency with the physiotherapy services in our region, and have included a section which outlines some of the physio protocols we use at BRHC. These are provided as a reference, and can be adopted along with practices which are currently in use. This section will hopefully continue to grow as more of our own protocols are developed and formalized.

It is hoped that launching this website during the current COVID-19 pandemic will also help to provide information and direction while patients and physicians have additional waits for appointments and surgery. All my elective surgery has been put on hold and most patient contact is now by “virtual appointment” with phone calls. I can still review their imaging studies. I continue to accept all referrals, and will triage them according to level of urgency. Patients are encouraged to call my office at any time with questions or concerns. I am thus trying to provide treatment advice and planning with as many patients as possible.

Although I cannot formally book new surgeries at present, I am fast tracking the patients that will likely need an operation such that when things normalize, we will have moved potential surgical patients at least partly along the path to a surgical date. With the extra time afforded by cancelled surgery, I may actually be able to contact and assign treatment to patients sooner than previously. The Brandon Clinic website,, has regularly updated information regarding our clinic hours, access, and services, which applies of course to my practice as well.

I invite you to visit and to refer your patients to this site as well. This website will be a project in flux, and updated as time goes on. I encourage you to provide any feedback or ideas for improvement you may have, as well as suggestions for additional features you or your patients might find helpful.

I look forward to ongoing cooperation with you in the musculoskeletal care of our Brandon and Westman patients. I wish you all good health and additional fortitude during this challenging time.


Norman Klippenstein

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